A Dance and Music Performance that invites people to experience it with other senses than sight.
Blind, visual impaired and seeing audience wearing a blindfold will have the opportunity to hear and feel the performance. Small handmade instruments that are attached to the body of the performer and elastic strings that connect the performer with the people are creating a set up that will allow people to understand the movement without seeing.
At the same time the performer is blindfolded and dances without seeing and the musician follows this personal journey in which the dancer faces her desires and fears. The performance is based on discussions/interviews with visual impaired people, the experience of the performer being blindfolded and the story “A Small, Good Thing” from the book “Short cuts” of Raymond Carver.
Site specific performance
Idea & Performance: Vicky Angelidou& Xavier Geerman
Costume Design: Darwin Winklaar
Set up Design: Dean Mavridis
Voice Over: Theo Decloedt for Dutch, PetrosPapazisis for Greek, Dean Mavridis for English
Dramatourgy advisor: AretiPolimenidi
Text: “A Small, Good Thing” from the book “Short cuts” of Raymond Carver.
17 July
20:00 Municipal Art Gallery of Chania
Supported by: