Oro d’ore is a waiting for a time yet to come, without any assurance as to when, if and how that time will ever become the present.
Dance Days Chania Summer Performance
Yet our patience will not be vain if it can keep the glimmer of a light that always comes from somewhere else than the “here and now”, from another time, which is revealed in the heart of the present, like its bright and elusive shadow.
These precious moments are the gold of hours, the imponderable value of our presence we must take care of, just like the pilgrim in The Book of Hours by Rilke does.
Compagnia Naturalis Labor – Site specific Performance
Direction & choreography: Silvia Bertoncelli
With: Francesca Bedin, Silvia Bertoncelli, Jessica D’Angelo, Paolo Ottoboni, Francesco Pacelli
Costumes: Chiara Defant
Photos: Paolo Degan
A production by: Compagnia Naturalis Labor
Co-production: Festival Biblico 2016
With the support of MIBAC/Regione Veneto/Provincia di Vicenza/Comune di Vicenza/Arco Danza