Mariana Collado & Lucio Baglivo
27.07 | 20:00 | Yiali Tzamisi square
Free Entrance
How do we approach to someone we think is different from us?
What bring us together?
And what bring us apart?
What can a flamenco dancer bring to a contemporary dancer?
And vice versa?
How can two people who communicate through movement but from different backgrounds (flamenco and contemporary) understand each other?
How can the unknown affect us?
This project reunites us reaching 40 years old and with almost all of our lives dedicated to performing arts. Mariana is a flamenco dancer and Lucio a contemporary dancer, actor and acrobat. “MyL” aims to question on stage, through dance, theatre and acrobatics, how it is to face what we consider different between a man and a woman whose only goal is to share a dance together.
Performers: Mariana Collado & Lucio A. Baglivo
Original music: Víctor Guadiana y Pantera Acosta
Costume design: Belén de la Quintana
Photography: Bernardo Sancho
Direction & Choreography: Mariana Collado & Lucio A. Baglivo
This piece of work was crafted in the Temporary Residences awarded to the project by the CDC (Centro Danza Canal) in Madrid and the project “Madrid en Crudo” of the City Hall of Madrid, Spain. The short version of “MyL” was premiered on May 18th 2019 in Umore Azoka Festival, Basque Country, Spain. “MyL” has a long version performance for theatres called “MyL(2.0)”.
27 July | 20:00 | Yiali Tzamisi square
Mariana Collado & Lucio Baglivo – MyL