Sumako Koseki
Butoh dance
Δουλεύοντας την ενέργεια ΚΙ ,που ενώνει το σώμα μας (μικρόκοσμος) με το περιβάλλον (μακρόκοσμος) ως βάση, θα αναπτύξουμε τον χορό μας σε βάθος στον χρόνο και τον χώρο. Θα βρούμε την σχέση με μνήμες εγγεγραμμένες στο υποσυνείδητο σώμα. Επίσης θα έχουμε μια καθαρή αντίληψη των σχημάτων, του ρυθμού και της δραματουργίας.
Sumako Koseki : danser and choreographer of Buto
Sumako Koseki is a Japanese dancer and choreographer. She studied traditional Japanese performing arts and butoh. Her teachers were Tadashi Suzuki (art of Noh, Kabuki in a contemporary context) and Isso Miura (butoh). She also studied Western and Eastern philosophy and psychology at the University of Tokyo. She has worked in France with many significant artists (Grotowski, Barba, Leotard, Adrien and others) and developed her own style of Butoh beyond the image of darkness. connected to Hiroshimea by misunderstanding. The ‘empty’ and depersonalised dancer can wake up ancient memories encoded in our deep memories. Tis empty body can incarnate many things, animals, personages… Thus Sumako goes beyond the wrong image of darkness connected to Hiroshima by misunderstanding. Her dance is impressionanat, beautiful, sometimes funny. Touching the chaos and shadows of our subconsciousness, and opening the fertile field of archetype memory, the audience.can share deep emotions with her. Her works was remarked by significants medea as “Le Monde” news paper, and she was invited by Avignon Dance Festival in 2012, then by TIT UNESCO, Helenic Center in Athens 2018.
16 – 18 Ιουλίου
12:00 – 15:00
Για όλα τα σεμινάρια και masterclasses παρακαλούμε επικοινωνήστε στο [email protected]