behind the scenes

Ενότητα: Γνωριμία με τις/ους Χορογράφους

Livia Balazova  (SK/CR)

28 – 29.07 | 17:00 – 19:00  

Για πληροφορίες και εγγραφές στείλτε email στο: [email protected]

::θραύσματα μιας γυναίκας, θραύσματα ενός σώματος, θραύσματα ενός έργου:: Κατά τη διάρκεια του masterclass η Lívia θα παρουσιάσει στους συμμετέχοντες τους όρους της τελευταίας δημιουργικής της διαδικασίας: “Laboratory in the Shadow”. Η Lívia θα ασχοληθεί με την υλοποίηση του έργου και ταυτόχρονα με την καταστροφή του. Το απόσπασμα από τη Louise Bourgeois: “Κάνω, αναιρώ, ξανακάνω”, περιγράφει με μεγάλη ακρίβεια αυτή την κυκλική φύση της δημιουργίας. Πρόκειται για μια διαδικασία δημιουργίας, καταστροφής και επαναδημιουργίας. Είναι μια διαδικασία που αποτυπώνει την ουσία της εργαστηριακής μεθόδου δημιουργίας. Κατά τη διάρκεια των μαθημάτων θα προκαλέσουμε το σώμα μας στη μέγιστη απαιτούμενη δύναμή του. Και θα φτάσουμε σε καταστάσεις ζωντανής ακινησίας (γλυπτικής) μέσα από κινητικές καταστάσεις υψηλών απαιτήσεων. Ενσωματώνοντας την ακινησία μέσα από την έντονη κίνηση.

Lívia MM Balážová

Her professional training includes academies such as the J. L. Bellu at Banská Bystrica in Slovakia, the SEAD Salzburg experimental dance academy in Austria, P.A.R.T.S. in Brussels, Belgium.

She has worked with the Portuguese choreographer Rui Horta, with the French company Kubilai Khan, and in November 2012 she joined the renowned company Última Vez in Brussels. In November 2015 she founded the performing arts company Colectivo Priekopník Veverička resulting in several performances (#whateveristrendingnow, PRACH/POLVO, La Plancha) and collaborations around the world such as the co-creation with Slovak artistic collective MimoOs (DoDna, Millennial Magic Mirror) also with Honey and dust Company (EU.GENUS), with Divadlo Štúdio Tanca (Čin, Punk Pajama Party, SEN), with Divadlo K(Nefotografie, Neistota, Jaskyňa) and with Odivo (Vnorená/Immersed).

The performance Čin won the Dosky 2019 award in the category extraordinary performance in dance theater, and the performance Vnorená received 3 nominations for the Dosky 2022.

Also has shared her movement practice workshops Mindcross and Multipartnering-Infinite Synapses together with Zebastián in Germany, Belgium, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Slovakia, Hungary, Mexico, Nicaragua, New York, Panama, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Russia, Austria and Greece.

In the year 2020 co-founded the RED Movement Network online training platform.


Short biography Colectivo Priekopník Veverička:

Colectivo Priekopník Veverička (in Slovak: Pioneer Squirrels) was born in 2015 with the Slovak Lívia Balážová MM and the Costa Rican Zebastián Méndez Marín as founding members, and as a result of an inescapable artistic connection that began in Ultima Vez, a mythical company directed by Wim Vandekybus, where they met as interpreters of the remake of What the body does not remember. They are a collective focused on contemporary scenic art, which seeks to break the stereotypical vision of the roles of interpreter and spectator in the scenic act, as well as transform the artistic practice through the pedagogy of movement and performing arts. They focus on pushing the boundaries of creation and professional artistic praxis, leaving aside academic labels and privileging human principles such as empathy, respect and the ability to reach agreements that celebrate the beauty of diversity.

Για πληροφορίες και εγγραφές στείλτε email στο: [email protected]

28 – 29 Ιουλίου

17:00 – 19:00

Livia Balazova | behind the scenes

Next Δέσποινα Lloyd Γκουλά, Ιωάννα Αντώναρου – SWELL