Πως κινείται το κόκκινο; Πως είναι η φωνή του κίτρινου; Ξεκινώντας απ τους πίνακες του Joan Miro θα παίξουμε ζωντανεύοντας τα χρώματα, χορεύοντας τα και ανακαλύπτοντας έναν απεριόριστο κόσμο σχημάτων.
Για παιδιά 7-11 ετών.
Catalina is the artistic motor of BAAL: Her restlessness, her non-conformism and her panic to boredom are her fuel. She graduated in Contemporary Dance at Miguel Hernández University. She has been trained in different countries and disciplines, from classic to the most contemporary, passing through Butoh and theatre. She took classes even in Nepal because of her curiosity of learning new ways of moving. Whilst finishing her studies, she started dancing in TV-shows and Cabaret and became member of a professional dance company in Madrid. Later on she has worked in companies en Barcelona, Majorca, Santiago de Chile, Berlin and Cologne. Her urgent need to create led her to produce short pieces which have been awarded on several occasions and in 2012 it led to found her own company together with Gaspar Morey.
25 – 26 Ιουλίου
10:00 – 11:30
Για πληροφορίες σχετικά με τα σεμινάρια και τα masterclasses παρακαλούμε στείλετε email στο: [email protected]