Hot House

Baye & Asa (USA)

26.07 | 21:30 | Θέατρο “Μίκης Θεοδωράκης”

Εισιτήρια: 12€ κανονικό – 9€ φοιτητικό, ανεργίας

Baye & Asa is a company creating movement art projects directed & choreographed by Amadi ‘Baye’ Washington & Sam ‘Asa’ Pratt. They grew up together in New York City, and that shared educational history is the mother of their work. Hip Hop & African dance languages are the foundation of their technique. The rhythms of these techniques inform the way they energetically confront contemporary dance, theater, and film. They’ve presented their work at The Joyce Theater, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, La MaMa Experimental Theatre Club, Pioneer Works, The 92nd Street Y, Baryshnikov Arts Center, Jacob’s Pillow, Yale University, ODC, b12 festival, University of Maryland, Blacklight Summit, Southampton Arts Center, Bard College, Vassar College, and Battery Dance Festival. They were selected as one of Dance Magazine’s “25 to Watch” for 2022, and are recipients of Dance Magazine’s 2023 Harkness Promise Award. They’ve created works for rep companies that include The Martha Graham Dance Company, BODYTRAFFIC, and Alvin Ailey II. Their film work has won numerous awards and has been presented internationally.

Το «HotHouse» είναι ένα σχόλιο για τον εγκλεισμό – ένα σχόλιο που αναγνωρίζει το ρόλο του COVID-19 στην αποκάλυψη των μεγαλύτερων συστημικών αποτυχιών των πολιτισμών και των κυβερνήσεών μας. Το κοινό γίνεται θεατές του τραύματος της απομόνωσης και του μύθου του Λευκού Ιησού.

Χορογραφία, ερμηνεία: Baye & Asa
Ανάθεση από: Pioneer Works
Δημιουργήθηκε με την υποστήριξη των: Blacklight Summit, Bard College, Baryshnikov Arts Center, The Kennedy Center, and The Omomuki Foundation


26 Ιουλίου | 21:30 | Θέατρο “Μίκης Θεοδωράκης”

Baye & Asa – Hot House

Next Βαρβάρα Μπαρδακά & Ιουλία Ζαχαράκη – ‘AMFI