Choreographic Installations
The choreographic composition workshop with subtitle “Choreographic Installations” is investigating the body and movement relationship with space, visual material and objects. During the workshop the stage is approached as a canvas, an abstract surface, an exhibition space where each dancer is invited to compose his own micro-installation and through movement and the development of his own chorographical language subsequently, to create a moving image, a visual choreography.
The creation of short duration solo choreographic performances, is
proposing the power of associations and collage, the visual interpretation of the emotions and the unconscious, as well as the free subjective flow of action that the viewer feels as immediate experiences as a process that happens in present time, as an ongoing dance action.
1st part /Body-Image-movement
In the workshop’s first part the participants are working on some fundamental principles of the human body that regulate altogether the human movement. The particular principles will form the basic tools for the choreographer –performer on stage
-articulation, isolation and the structural design of the human body
-corporal posture: the body as a “moving image”
-Accentuation and dynamics: tension and relaxation, muscular resistance, movement qualities
These essential principles of technique will enable the installation of the moving body on stage and will elaborate its relationship with space (body’s space and body in space), time (speed and pace) and dynamics (configurations of intensity)
2nd part / Choreographic installations: Visual composition and Chorographical style
On the second part of the workshop, the dancers will be invited to compose in the space with the given visual material ;through improvisations the subject’s –object’s organic relationship will be explored ,which will lead to the creation of movement micro-installation and to short duration chorographical solo performances. Material (both natural and artificial) will be given to the participants from the repertory and the Company’s Synthesis 748 performances .However those who wish, are free to bring and compose with material or objects of their liking.