Roni Chadash


Choreography & Performance: Roni Chadash
Lighting Design: Amir Castro
Rehearsal manager: Dana Shoval
Set: Adam Gorlizki
Music: Arvo Part, Nicolas Jaar, Chopin

Photographs: Pini Snir, Andreas Brokalakis

Supported by the Embassy of Israel in Athens

“To the woman he said.. and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over you.” Genesis 3:16

‘Goofy’ in Hebrew means MY body. I wanted to raise a question mark on that, and check if we could really own our bodies. In our modern reality, where people are treating each other like a piece of meat, it becomes even more relevant to me.
‘Goofy’, is an attempt to understand how a body can lose its innocence, and how something so amorphous can transform into the known and common creature called “A WOMAN”.

25 July

22:30 Venizelio Conservatory of Chania

Tickets: 15euro regular – 12euro student, unemployment [for all 4 performances of the evening]

Next Los Informalls – Master your Monster