de la Rosa
“Seclusion” –
Creation workshop with Teenagers
1. Which kind of questions do you ask yourself during times of crisis?
2. How do you feel being by yourself?
3. Are you a positive thinker or a negative thinker?
4. Are you a short planer or rather a long term planer?
5. What are your deepest worries during those times and how do you deal with them?
6. Are you afraid of the unknown future?
7. Are you brave enough to reply to your own questions or you prefer to look at them and to
stay on stand by mode?
Social distance? no worries, we are all together alone.
With this work I am interested to show to the new generations the idea of working hard for a reason, to have a goal and to fight for it, to have the freedom to choose but to commit to that idea without dropping from one another. Because we all like scores and the feeling of achieving goals but without the daily work we won’t be able to reach anything. Small steps bring us into big steps and big goals won’t be reach without the small ones.
We will work with different movement tasks, theatrical situations, improvisation and movement research, connecting our minds, bodies and hearts into one direction.
The idea is to achieve our own personal goals in order to support each others work. We will discover what team work means but first we will need to understand how do we work, because we won’t be able to help others if we are not capable to help ourselves.